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This community is for people who want to support the work and ministry of Jeffrey Rickman. The PlainSpoken project is aimed at building up the church catholic and the Wesleyan tradition in particular. It values truth and dignity above all things and is an intentional effort to raise the level of discourse in the midst of conflict and disagreement.
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Live Streamed on August 30, 2024 8:30 AM ET
Convening Conference Petitions Series - Live Stream 4 - Petitions 033-036 w/ David Watson

In this segment, I will aim to cover petitions 033-036. The audience is welcome to join in and help me sound smarter than I am. To be clear, I don't represent the denomination of the GMC. I'm just a guy wading through this material as best as I am able. Many people have put their hopes in the GMC. We aim to do our part to bathe it in prayer and do our best to understand what is being presented to the body and why it matters!

To download a copy of the Final Petitions Report, go to

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If you're not interested in any of that stuff, but you want to give directly to my church, you can go to and make a donation there. Thanks!

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Stream Cut Off!

I didn't realize until I finished this morning's live stream that it got cut off pretty early in the stream. It should have made me suspicious when the viewer count stayed the same and I wasn't getting any more comments. Anyway, I recorded the whole thing and have reposted it here for you. I'll clip up the two main portions and post them on YouTube later today. Sorry for the snafu, y'all. There was a small power surge and something about that threw Rumble off. Tomorrow should be normal. God bless you all!

New Segment: Considering Charlotte

Hey friends, this morning I'm officially announcing a new series that should continue forward on a weekly basis until shortly before the upcoming UMC General Conference Session.

Welcome To Our Locals Community!

I'm sorry for the confusion around the Carolyn Moore interview yesterday. Apparently I scheduled it for 11:30 PM yesterday rather than 11:30 AM EDT today. I should have been more diligent. I am told there were at least four of you online at that time, waiting. I was fast asleep in bed! But Bishop Moore and I will be talking in 2 1/2 hours here on Locals. Join us then!

Today's Article

I only have one more of these to go until I have completed my series on Methodist essentials. Today's topic wasn't a fun one to write, but that doesn't mean it isn't true:

I published this article today.

It is about whether or not methodism should go back to being an exclusive body or not. I hope it is at least good for helping people think through these things more intentionally.

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